When the growth of a tumoral fabric depends on the presence of estrogen, elimination of the stimulating influences mediated by them is the precondition for suppression of growth of a tumor.
In women in postmenopause estrogen is formed mainly at the participation of enzymes of aromatase, which transforms the androgens synthesized in adrenal glands (first of all, androstenedione and testosterone) into estrone and estradiol. Therefore it is possible to reach suppression of biosynthesis of estrogen in peripheral fabrics and in a tumoral fabric by means of specific inhibition of enzymes of aromatase.
It’s important to note that Femara is appointed as a first-line preparation of the therapy of the widespread forms of cancer of a mammary gland in women in postmenopause. The preparation is used for the treatment of the widespread forms of a cancer of a mammary gland in women in postmenopause (natural or artificially caused), who have received the previous therapy by antiestrogen.
Femara Collateral actions
The undesirable phenomena noted in clinical research were basically poorly or moderately expressed. The undesirable phenomena of a significant degree of the expressiveness demanding the termination of treatment, have been registered only in rare cases.
Many undesirable phenomena can be caused both by the basic disease, and natural pharmacological consequences of deficiency of estrogen (for example, inflow, thinning of hair). Below are listed the undesirable phenomena registered in controllable clinical research of preparation Femara, which was administered to 174 patients in a daily dose of 2.5 mg during the period 33 months.
The connection of this undesirable phenomenon with the application of Femara has been regarded by researchers as possible, for example:
- Headache;
- Nausea;
- Peripheral hypostases;
- The general weakness;
- Inflow;
- Thinning of hair;
- A rash (including erythematous and maculopapular);
- Vomiting;
- Dyspepsia;
- Increase in weight of a body;
- Muscular-skeletal pains (including pains in hands, pains in a back, pains in legs and pains in the skeleton);
- Anorexia;
- Vaginal bleedings;
- Leukorrhea;
- Contamination;
- Dizziness;
- The increase of appetite;
- Raised hydrolysis;
- Dyspnea;
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Bloody discharges from a vagina.
Femara Contraindications
- The raised sensitivity to the active substance or any other component of preparation;
- The endocrine status, characteristic for the premenopausal period.
Safety measures:
However, there is no data about the application of Femara for the patients with a clearance of creatinine <10 ml/mines. Before the prescription of Femara to such patients, the parity between potential risk and expected effect of treatment should be considered.
Pregnancy and lactation:
The preparation Femara is counter-indicative during the periods of pregnancy and lactation.
Influences on the ability to drive the car and to operate mechanisms:
It is improbable that the application of Femara will break the ability of patients to drive the car or to operate mechanisms. However, as treatment by a preparation were observed the general weakness and dizziness, it is necessary to warn patients that their physical and-or mental abilities, which are required for driving of the car or management of mechanisms, may be broken.
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