Depo Provera 150mg/ml


Discover the effects of Depo Provera today. This derivative of the progesterone doesn’t express any androgenic or estrogenic activity, and is highly popular in Canada.

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Provera (Medroxyprogesterone) — a derivative of progesterone, rendering a progestin action and not possessing androgenic and estrogen activity. In corresponding dozes, the preparation suppresses secretion of gonadotropic hormones (especially luteinizing) and prevents ovulation.

Provera also breaks the secretory changes of the endometrium and raises the viscosity of slime of the cervix of the uterus. It increases the number of intermediate cells in an index of maturing of vaginal epithelium.

Moreover, the preparation reduces the expressiveness of vasomotor semiology at women in menopause.


  • Dysfunctional (anovulatory) uterus bleedings;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Correction of by-effects from endometrium at therapy by estrogen in menopause;
  • Differential diagnostics of primary and secondary amenorrhea.

Depo Provera Contraindications

The raised sensitivity to medroksiprogesteron.

Special instructions

Prior to the beginning of application of Provera it is necessary to exclude the presence at the patient of tumor of genitals or mammary glands (except for cases of carrying out of antineoplastic therapy). For the patients, in the anamnesis of which there are the instructions on therapy in occasion of depression, careful supervision during treatment by a preparation is required.

With reference to any patient who has attributes and/or of the symptoms corresponding to inopectic process, before continuation of therapy with Provera, it is necessary to estimate a situation repeatedly.

In some patients receiving small doses of Provera, a decrease in tolerance to glucose is possible. It is considered at purpose of a preparation to diabetics. Application Provera during pregnancy is not recommended.

If on a background of treatment by a preparation cytologic or histologic research of endometrium or cervix of the uterus is carried out, it is necessary to warn the histologist about the conducted therapy.

The application of Depo Provera can influence the results of the following laboratory researches: definition of levels of gonadotropins; definition of levels in plasma of blood of a progesterone, cortisol, estrogen; definition of a level of pregnanediol in urine; carrying out of the test with sugar loading (the test of tolerance to glucose); a metapyronic test.


The patient should inform the attending doctor:

  • About the suffered or present diseases of a liver, including a jaundice;
  • About tumors of mammary glands, an uterus or ovaries;
  • About presence of pregnancy and about possible presence of pregnancy.

Tell the doctor if at you were observed:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Migraines;
  • Asthma;
  • Problems with cardiovascular system;
  • Problems with kidneys;
  • Diabetes;
  • Depression.

By-effects of Depo Provera

All medical products have various collateral actions. At application of Provera can be noted:

  • Allergic reactions: a nettle-rash, a rash, cases of anaphylactic reactions.
  • From curtailing the system of blood: thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis.
  • From CNS: nervousness, sleeplessness, drowsiness, weakness, depression (which may be similar to the depression often coming before menstruation), dizziness, a headache.
  • From gastrointestinal tract: nausea.
  • From genitals: changes of character of discharges from sexual ways, sensitivity of mammary glands and galactorrhea.
  • Other: changes of weight, pyrogenic reactions.

In very rare cases you can feel more hungry and thirsty more often than usual, because of a change in the level of sugar in your blood. At any similar displays inform the doctor immediately.

If these displays don’t have the simple character of easy troubles, suspend reception of tablets and address the doctor. Also talk with the doctor if any bloody allocations, continuing more than two weeks, are observed. Also address to the doctor if you have noticed at yourselves:

  • Any problems with legs – pains, or bruises, which origin you cannot explain;
  • Rashes causing an itch, apostemes and spots on skin;
  • Thickening of hair on a body or increased loss of hair on a head.

Application of tablets of Provera ( Medroxyprogesterone ) very seldom can lead to serious by-effects. Immediately address the doctor and stop reception of tablets if you will feel strong weakness, dyspnea or strong pains in the breast. If you will notice any other changes during reception of Provera ( Medroxyprogesterone ), inform the doctor about it.

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