Danazol is a preparation, which suppresses the production of gonadotropins (luteinizing hormones and follicle-stimulating hormones) of the hypophysis, therefore there is braking ovulation and atrophy of an endometrium. With the purpose of emergency contraception, it is recommended to accept Danazol twice in a dose of 600 mg with an interval in 12 h for 72 h after a not protected coitus.
It is considered that there are not many by-effects at the application of Danazol with the purpose of emergency contraception. Moreover, Danazol may be applied by the patients with contra-indications to the application of estrogen-estrogenic preparations.
However, there is not a large number of messages about the application of this method available in the literature.
Pharmacological action of Danazol
The preparation suppresses the discharge of gonadotropic hormones (hormones of the hypophysis, stimulating formations of hormones in sexual glands): luteinizing (a yellow body causing the formation of the ovary) and follicle-stimulating (stimulating the maturing process of ovum). In greater doses, it renders moderated androgenic (similar action of male sexual hormones) and anabolic (strengthening synthesis of albumen) action.
Indications to application
In connection with antigonadotropic (directed on the decrease in function sexual glands) action it is used as:
- A treatment of endometriosis (occurrence in the various bodies of sites of a fabric similar by a structure with an internal environment of a uterus and exposed to cyclic changes accordingly to a menstrual cycle) with accompanying barrenness;
- Benign tumors of a mammary gland (fibrocystic mastitis, etc.);
- A premenstrual syndrome (deterioration of the state of health before the beginning of menstruation);
- Gynecomastia (increases of mammary glands at men);
- And other diseases at which suppression of secretion of gonadotropin (the hormones of a hypophysis stimulating activity of sexual glands) is shown.
Danazol Contraindications
Hypersensitivity, porphyria, a cancer of mammary glands, a cancer of prostate gland, genital bleedings (before the specification of their reason), sharp renal or hepatic insufficiency, the expressed cardiac insufficiency, diabetes, epilepsy, migraine, infringements of plasma mechanisms of hemostasis, pregnancy.
Danazol Collateral actions
- Infringements of a menstrual function;
- Reduction of the sizes of mammary glands;
- Roughing of the voice;
- Increase in weight of a body;
- Hypostases;
- Vaginitis;
- Infringement of spermatogenesis;
- Alopecia;
- Erythema of face;
- Hyperhidrosis;
- Headaches;
- Increase of intracranial pressure;
- Lumbodynias;
- Paresthesias;
- Neurotic reactions;
- Emotional lability;
- Infringements of sleep;
- Depression;
- Frustration of sight;
- Thrombocytosis or thrombocytopenia;
- Erythrocytosis;
- Leukocytosis;
- The raised danger of bleeding at patients with hemophilia;
- Increase of the level of transaminase;
- Cholestasis;
- Hepatitis;
- Hepatic adenoma;
- Dyspeptic displays (seldom);
- Seborrhea;
- Acne;
- Insignificant hirsutism;
- Skin allergic reactions.
Safety measures
It is necessary to periodically supervise a level of transaminase and bilirubin in the serum of the blood. For diabetics, the correction of a dose of insulin is necessary. During treatment, the feeding mothers are recommended to stop breastfeeding.
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